Course curriculum

    1. How to Work Through Bible 101

    2. Day One: An Introduction to the Bible

    3. Day One: The Bible Project Review

    4. Day One: Guided By Truth

    5. Day One: Guided By Truth PDF

    6. Day One: Review

    7. Day Two: Digging Deeper - The Bible

    8. Day Two: How to Read the Bible (Overview)

    9. Day Two: Searching Through the Bible

    10. Day Two: Guided By Truth

    11. Day Two: Guided By Truth PDF

    12. Day Two: Review

    13. Day Three: Digging Deeper - The Catechism

    14. Day Three: An In-Depth Overview of the Small Catechism

    15. Day Three: Guided By Truth

    16. Day Three: Guided By Truth PDF

    17. Day Three: Review

    18. Day Four: Christian Denominations 101

    19. Day Four: Lutheran 101

    20. Day Four: Guided By Truth

    21. Day Four: Guided By Truth PDF

    22. Day Four: Review

    1. Day One: An Introduction to the Ten Commandments

    2. Day One: The Ten Commandments Review

    3. Day One: The Greatest Commandment

    4. Day One Quiz: The Ten Commandments

    5. Day Two: An Introduction to the Creed(s) - The Apostles' Creed

    6. Day Two: An Introduction to the Creed(s) - The Other Creeds

    7. Day Two: The Three Ecumenical Creeds PDF

    8. Day Two: The Trinity - Bad Analogies (and why they're bad)

    9. Day Three: Reviewing Law and Gospel

    10. Day Three: Reviewing Walther's Law and Gospel

    11. Day Four: Review and PIIYOW

    12. Day Four: Review of Law and Gospel Assignment

    1. Day One: Introduction to the Sacraments

    2. Day One: Challenging Your Worldview on the Sacraments

    3. Day One: Introduction to "Why" Baptism & Communion

    4. Day One: Further Information on Sacraments

    5. Day Two: Baptism Further Explained

    6. Day Two: The "Why" of Baptism

    7. Day Three: The Nature of the Sacrament of the Altar

    8. Day Three: Communion Further Explained

    9. Day Three: The "Why" of The Lord's Supper/Communion

    10. Day Four: Review

    11. Unit 3 Assignment: 3 Paragraphs on the Sacraments

    1. Day One: An Introduction to Prayer

    2. Day One: A Simply Way to Pray

    3. Day One: Your Way(s) to Pray

    4. Day Two: An Introduction to Confession

    5. Day Two: Luther and Private Confession

    6. Day Two: The Indiana District's (LCMS) Stance on Public Confession and Absolution

    7. Day Two: Is Confession a Sacrament?

    8. Day Three: The Lord's Prayer

    9. Day Four: A Catechism Study on the Lord's Prayer

    10. Day Four: The Conundrum of Versions

    11. Day Four: "Amen" and its Misinterpretation

    12. Day Four Quiz: Prayer

    13. Day Four Summary Assignment: The Lord's Prayer

About this course

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  • 58 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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